Give to Laidlaw
For 100 years Laidlaw College has been preparing men and women to respond to God’s call on their lives. Graduates of the College can be found in positions of influence and leadership all over Aotearoa New Zealand and the world.
Laidlaw College is far more than just a tertiary institution – it is a community of students, staff and scholars shaped and compelled by the Gospel; a community deeply committed to growing disciples and raising up leaders who are rooted and established in love. The special character of the College means that we cannot solely depend on government funding, and are heavily reliant on donations in order to keep fees affordable.
If you would like to support the work of the College, enabling future generations of Christian Leaders to be formed for many types of mission and ministry there are a number of ways you can help!

Prayer is essential to the life of the College, and has been throughout our history.
If you would like to receive regular prayer updates and support us through prayer please complete the form when clicking the button below.

Whether you choose to make a one-off gift or a recurring payment, there are a number of ways you can choose to donate:
Donate by online banking
Laidlaw College Bank account: 03 0155 0050416 00
Particulars: Donation
Reference: Your Laidlaw contact number if known, or your initial and surname
Donate by credit card
Please complete the form below.
Laidlaw College is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005 (CC10249) and gifts over $5 are eligible for a tax credit.

A bequest to Laidlaw College will last beyond your lifetime and allow the College to prepare future generations of students for the service to which God calls them.
To find out more about how you could leave a bequest in your will click the button below.

We encourage our financial supporters to become members of Laidlaw College Incorporated Society with the ability to vote during members’ meetings and participate in discussions around vision and direction.
Find out more through the button below.

We send regular news and events updates via email. If you'd like to hear about the programmes and courses we have on offer, upcoming events and offerings, then sign up through the button below.