Postgraduate Study
Laidlaw is committed to scholarly discovery, holding all truth to be embedded in the creative love of a communicating God. Sound research enables discovery of the nature of God as revealed in His creative and redemptive acts of self-communication. This is a task performed together. Fruitful enquiry emerges from communities. Out of shared assumptions and commitments new questions may be asked, debated and contested. Scholarship thus involves engaged enquiry, built out of commitment, as well as appropriate distance.
Located within the School of Theology, the Laidlaw Graduate School (LGS) seeks to nurture and train emerging scholars through strong postgraduate programmes and the building of a strong scholarly community in which students and established scholars work closely together, each gaining from the engagement of ideas.
Postgraduate courses are normally taught in week-long intensives or over two non-consecutive blocks. Attendance to these block courses is compulsory, with a minimum attendance of 80% for passing. If a student’s situation prevents them from being able to come to campus to attend in-person, they can seek approval from the Postgraduate Lead to enrol as a Distance Learning* student and attend the lectures via zoom. A summer semester is also offered.
We invite you to join this community.
*Note that Postgraduate courses do not have a full Distance-Learning option (excluding R351 Postgraduate Research and Writing) - live engagement in the lectures is a necessary part of postgraduate study at Laidlaw. Video lectures are not produced to be watched in the students own time, so the Distance Learning option involves joining the lectures via zoom. R512 and R513 Ministry Supervision courses are not offered in DL mode.