21 March 2020
Kia ora koutou, Laidlaw Students,
Following the Government’s announcement today, and in light of the changing situation and our need to care for the many vulnerable, while ensuring quality education for all, we are suspending teaching of all classes on our campuses from Monday 23 March until further notice, transitioning to alternative (online) delivery from Monday 30 March.
Along with the rest of the world, we are facing an unprecedented situation where we are having to respond carefully and quickly to the rapidly changing situation. I want to assure you that while there are many things outside of our control, we place a high priority on your wellbeing and that of our whānau and community. We have prepared for this possibility, and are committed to doing everything we can to make sure that you can successfully complete your studies.
What does this mean for you?
- Intensives Week
Intensive courses and other student learning activities that would have taken place on our campuses during Intensives Week (23-27 March) will be rescheduled and adapted to online delivery to allow you to successfully complete those courses. Individual lecturers will be in touch with you shortly.
- General Access to Campus
Our campuses in Henderson, Manukau and Christchurch will be closed to students and the general public until further notice. This is to minimise the possibility of community transmission. Residents at the Henderson campus will still have unrestricted access to their accommodation areas. Olive Shoots childcare will continue to operate normally as per Ministry advice.
- Libraries
Our library services will be operating restricted services. Physical borrowing will be restricted, but all electronic services will be operating as normal and we will be working to add to those. There will be communications on Moodle as to how to return physical books when they are due back. - Staff Contact
Staff will be available via email and in other online forums already operating.
- Keeping updated
All updates are posted online at http://www.laidlaw.ac.nz/covid19
What next?
During this coming week we will contact you with more details about alternative delivery arrangements.
This is a rapidly evolving situation, so thank you for your grace amidst challenges and change. Be assured that the Laidlaw team are working hard, and we will communicate further information as soon as we are able. In the meantime, reach out to your fellow students and check in on them. Many in our community will doubtless be feeling anxious and isolated, but you are a gifted and creative community of students and will already have many resources amongst your classes too.
These are extraordinary times, but we serve a great God and bear a Gospel of profound hope.
Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa.
Ngā mihi nui,