School of Emotionally Healthy Leadership Aotearoa

The School of Emotionally Healthy Leadership (SEHL) Aotearoa is an intensive spiritual formation experience designed exclusively for pastors and leaders. The core content is based on the two parts of the flagship discipleship course: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (8 weeks) & Emotionally Healthy Relationships (8 weeks). In this transformational journey, you will learn and engage with the foundational principles that underpin Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, as well as practices and skills that underpin the Emotionally Healthy Relationships course. This course is augmented by additional reading, daily devotions and leadership specific applications by Pete Scazzero. The SEHL Aotearoa course will be facilitated by Dallas Harema and an experienced team of Table Leaders. This SEHL experience will revolutionise the way you live and lead others.
Pete Scazzero found two truths to be true: (1) you can't be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature, and (2) unless you slow your life down for a first-hand relationship with Jesus Christ, little change is possible.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) offers an approach to discipleship that goes far beyond routine levels and measures of church involvement.
Emotionally Healthy Relationships course will offer participants practices and skills to help them love themselves and others well. This in turn will help to create healthy relationships and thriving team cultures.
Please note: These courses are run via Zoom. Places are very limited

SEHL Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
8 May - 26 June 2024
Registrations for this course have now closed.
SEHL Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Wednesdays | 9.30am - 12pm
24 July - 11 Sept 2024
*Plus a one hour live Q&A session with Jason 'Perko' Perkins - Movement Director for Emotionally Healthy Leadership & part of the EHL executive team(Tues 10th Sept 11am)
Individual $299
Couple $499
Registrations for this course have now closed.

After leading New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, NY for 26 years, Pete Scazzero co-founded Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, a ground-breaking ministry transforming church culture that multiplies deeply changed leaders and disciples for the sake of Jesus’ mission in the world.
Pete Scazzero has spent over 26 years thinking, studying, writing, and researching Emotionally Healthy Discipleship around the world. Pete is the world’s recognized expert on the integration of spirituality and emotional health. His books are used around the world in seminaries and academic institutions such as Harvard Divinity School, Asian Theological Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary.
Pete also hosts the top ranked, Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast and is the author of a number of bestselling books, including The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, and Emotionally Healthy Discipleship. Pete and his wife Geri also developed The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course (Part 1 and 2), a ground-breaking Course being used by over 1400 churches in North America along with many others around the world. His books and materials have been translated in over 25 different languages.

He uri te taha o tōna pāpā nō Ngāpuhi nui tonu
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Hokianga whakapau karakia te Moana
Ko Toukahawai te awa Ko Ōmanaia te whenua
Ko Whiria te maunga
Ko Te Piiti te marae
Ko Ngāti Kaharau, Ngāti Hau ki Omanaia ngā hapū
Ko Harema Reihana te whāmere
Ko Dallas Neihana Te Waipounamu Harema tana ingoa
Dallas’ tūpuna came to the shores of Aotearoa with Scandinavian, Melanesian, Polynesian (American Samoan, Tongan, Hawaiian, Niuean), West Asian, Celtic & Māori blood in their bones and settled here in Waihōpai and Te Tai Tokerau. He is a proud descendent of them all. He and his wife Lucy Pearl (Middle Eastern, Spanish, Italian, Celtic) have 3 tamariki and they live in Ōtautahi.
Dallas has a multi-faceted professional background in personal, professional and international development; and in multi-disciplinary therapeutic contexts in various Sectors. Dallas also use to be a Pouako in a Department of Applied Sciences and Social Practice within a Whare Wānanga.
Currently, Dallas is the Director of his own business (Harema Development & Culture) where his main lanes are in development (personal, leadership & relationship), team culture, and cultural capability. He is also currently an Advisor to the Ministry of Justice and Aroturuki Tamariki (The Independent Children’s Monitor) in professional development and cultural capability. Dallas also offers training and facilitation around Te Tiriti and the impacts of colonisation in the community sector, and he is a very experienced Cultural Supervisor across various sectors as well.
Dallas and Lucy have a contemplative bent and are very passionate about the body of Jesus being holistically healthy and whole. They long to co-create spaces where people are real about their inner worlds and are bringing that stuff before God. Their conviction is that once we can take some fig leaves off and get honest about what we carry (good, “bad” and ugly), we open ourselves up (more) to Jesus and his transformative truth, grace and love in the context of community.
At the moment, Dallas and Lucy are also co-leading a kaupapa called ‘Whakapuāwai’ (to cause to flourish, bloom, thrive) which aims to help couples be formed in emotional and relational intelligence in the context of a Jesus centred spirituality, and integrate all parts of who they are into how they follow and become like Jesus. Dallas also leads a couple of Men’s groups as well out of this kaupapa. Their ministry is connected to their local church and the wider body in Ōtautahi
In 2024, Dallas is embarking on studying the ancient wisdom found in the Enneagram (he’ll become an accredited coach this year in June), and he is also completing a 3 year wānanga through Mahi Wairua.