Dr Philip Church Senior Research Fellow School of Theology

  • PhD, MCS, MTh, DipTheol

Philip completed an MCS from Regent College in 1983 and an ACT MTh in 1996, both in New Testament studies. He was Registrar of Tyndale College from 1985 until 2000 as well as being a regular tutor for the College. Philip has a PhD in New Testament from Otago University and a revised version of his PhD thesis was published by Brill in 2017 as Hebrews and the Temple. He joined the College in 2002 after a career in accountancy. He is on the boards of A Rocha Aotearoa NZ and NZ Christians in Science. Philip is married to Dorothy and they have three grown children and three grandchildren. Philip and Dorothy worship at the Royal Oak Baptist Church




Hebrews and the Temple: Attitudes to the Temple in Second Temple Judaism and in Hebrews. NovTSup 171. Leiden: Brill, 2017

Book Chapters and Journal Articles


“‘You Have Come to Mount Zion…” (Heb 12:22): Pilgrimage to Zion and the Book of Hebrews.” Pages 118-34 in Holding Forth the Word of Life: Essays in Honor of Tim Meadowcroft. Edited by John de Jong and Csilla Saysell. Australian College of Theology Monograph Series. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2020.

“The Punctuation of Hebrews 10:2 And Its Impact on the Date of Hebrews.” Tynbul 71.2 (2020), 281-92


“‘What are Human Beings that you are Mindful of them’ (Heb 2:6): An Anthropological/Ecological Reading of Heb 2:5–9.” In Creation and Hope: Reflections on Ecological Anticipation and Action from Aotearoa New Zealand, 123-37. Edited by Nicola Hoggard Creegan and Andrew Shepherd. Eugene OR.: Wipf and Stock, 2018


“Hebrews 1:10-12 and the Renewal of the Cosmos,” Tynbul 67.2 (2016): 269-86.


“4Q174 and the Epistle to the Hebrews.” In Keter Shem Tov: Collected Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls in Memory of Alan Crown, 333-59. Edited by Ian Hunter and Shani Tzoref. Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts; Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias, 2013.

“The Temple in the Apocalypse of Weeks and in Hebrews,” Tynbul 64.1 (2013): 109-28.


“‘Here we have No Lasting City’ (Heb 13:14): The Promised Land in the Letter to the Hebrews.” The Gospel and the Land of Promise: Christian Perspectives on the Land of the Bible. Edited by Philip Church, Peter Walker, Tim Bulkeley and Tim Meadowcroft. Eugene, Or.: Wipf and Stock, 2011

“‘God has by no Means Rejected his People’ (Rom 11:1): A Response to the Accusation of ‘Replacement Theology’.” The Gospel and the Land of Promise: Christian Perspectives on the Land of the Bible. Edited by Philip Church, Peter Walker, Tim Bulkeley and Tim Meadowcroft. Eugene, Or.: Wipf and Stock, 2011.


“The Promised Land in the New Testament and in Particular in Hebrews.” Israel: 5 Views on People, Land and State, 15-25. Auckland, Vision Network of New Zealand, 2009.

“Dispensational Christian Zionism: a strange but acceptable aberration or a deviant heresy”? WTJ 71 (2009): 375-398.


“The True Tent which the Lord has Pitched: Balaam’s Oracles in Second Temple Judaism and in the Epistle to the Hebrews. A Crowd of Witnesses: The Theology of Hebrews in its Ancient Contexts, 145-157. Edited by Richard Bauckham, Daniel Driver, Trevor Hart and Nathan MacDonald. LNTS 387; London: Continuum, 2008



Easter in Fordham, April 2015

A Text and its Context, May 2015


Does the Bible Really Condone Slavery? March 2014

Religious Instruction and the Resurrection of Jesus, February 2014


The "Waning of Christianity", November 2013

The Greatest Human Ever?, September 2013

Maaloula, September 2013

Mangroves Making Way for a Beach, June 2013

The New New Testament, April 2013

Where is the Christian Voice?, March 2013

A Book with no Quotations?, February 2013


Was Jesus really born in a stable?, December 2012

Did Jesus have a wife?, December 2012

Euthanasia, September 2012

The Beast of Blenheim?, August 2012

What is going on in Syria?, August 2012

Jesus, Israel and the Church, June 2012

Stimulus, April 2012

ANZAC Day, April 2012

Public Nakedness, February 2012

Sensible Sentencing, January 2012


Water, December 2011

Book Reviews


Mark J. Keown, Discovering The New Testament: An Introduction to its Background, Theology, and Themes. Volume I: The Gospels and Acts (Bellingham, WA: Lexham, 2018). Stimulus 27/4 (2020).

Murray J. Harris, Before I Forget: An Illustrated Autobiography of Murray J. Harris (Eugene OR: Resource, 2019(). Stimulus 27/4 (2020).


Murray J. Harris, The Seven Sayings of Jesus from the Cross: Their Circumstances and Meaning (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2015). Stimulus 24/1 (2016): 59


Neil Darragh, ed. Living in the Planet Earth: Faith Communities and Ecology (Auckland: Accent, 2016). Stimulus 23/3 (2016): 50-52


Mark Roncace and Joseph Weaver, eds, Global Perspectives on the Bible (Boston: Pearson, 2014). Stimulus 22/2 (2015): 51-52

Murray J. Harris, John 3:16: What’s It All About? (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2015). Stimulus 22/3 (2015): 59


Christopher A. Richardson, Pioneer and Perfecter of Faith: Jesus' Faith as the Climax of Israel's History in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Review of Biblical Literature[http://www.bookreviews.org] (2014)

Herbert W. Bateman, Charts on the Book of Hebrews, Review of Biblical Literature [http://www.bookreviews.org] (2014).


Murray J. Harris, Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament: Essential Tools for Exegesis (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2012). Stimulus 20/1 (April 2013): 56-57.


Bruce K. Waltke, James M. Houston with Erika Moore, The Psalms as Christian Worship: A Historical Commentary (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010). Stimulus 19/1 (April 2012): 48-49.

John Paul Heil, Hebrews: Chiastic Structures and Audience Response. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2010. Review of Biblical Literature [http://www.bookreviews.org] (2012).

Peter T. O’Brien, The Letter to the Hebrews. The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010). Colloquium 44/1 (2012): 121-23

Robert P. Gordon, Hebrews. 2nd ed. Readings: A New Biblical Commentary (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008), The Bible and Critical Theory 8, 1 (2012): 130-32.


Francis Foulkes, A Guide to St Matthew’s Gospel (London: SPCK, 2001), Daystar 1/5 (October 2001), 14; and Reality 51 (June/July 2002), 52.


Bruce Manning Metzger, Reminiscences of an Octogenarian (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 1997), Reality 37 (Feb-Mar 2000), 44


David Stone, Teach Yourself The New Testament (London: Hodder Headline, 1996), Reality 33 (June-July 1999), 49


John H. Walton, Covenant: God’s Purpose, God’s Plan (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994), Stimulus 4/4 (November 1996), 65-66

David E. Holwerda, Jesus and Israel: One Covenant or Two (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans and Leicester: Apollos, 1995) Stimulus 4/4 (November 1996), 65-66


Douglas Rawlinson Jones, Jeremiah (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans and London: Marshall Pickering, 1992), Stimulus 1/3 (August 1993), 41-42


Frederick Fyvie Bruce, The Epistle to the Hebrews; rev edn (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990), CBRF Journal 126, 40-41


R. McL. Wilson, Hebrews (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), CBRF Journal 119 (November 1989), 39-40

Thomas Edward McComiskey, The Covenants of Promise (Nottingham: IVP, 1985), CBRF Journal 119 (November 1989), 41-42