22 February 2022

Health@Laidlaw Update

Under Covid-19 Protection Framework, Red, Laidlaw College campuses will be open with health measures in place.

  • Entry to campus will require a vaccine pass. Students and staff will be issued an access fob so we don’t need to verify every entry. Guests with a vaccine pass will be able to access the campus through prior arrangement with a staff or student, or you can call reception on 0800 999 777. 
  • Masks are required
  • 1m physical distancing is required

For a comprehensive list of what coming on to campus looks like please refer to this table.


Do you have these symptoms?


Symptoms of COVID-19

  • A new or worsening cough
  • Sneezing and runny nose
  • A fever
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath

Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste

Less common symptoms include diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, malaise, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, or confusion/irritability.

We encourage you to do what you would normally do when you get sick to look after yourself, your household and other community members.

Find out more about Covid-19 symptoms here

If you have these symptoms, please stay home and get tested.


If you are required to isolate due to a positive Covid-19 test result, or as a close contact:


Students who are required to isolate:

  • Email: [email protected] providing evidence of request to isolate, and dates required to isolate for.
  • Email: course lecturer/s and School Manager.
  • Access lectures online, over Zoom, during period of isolation

For more information on Close Contacts visit the Ministry of Health Website


Students who have tested positive for Covid-19

  • Email: [email protected] providing evidence of positive test result, and dates required to isolate for.
  • Email: course lecturer/s, School Manager
    • If you are not well enough to make this contact please let us know when you email [email protected] so this can be managed.
  • If able, access lectures online, over Zoom, while recovering.
  • Absences due to illness from Covid-19 will be recorded as per the usual process of absence from lectures.

For more information on testing positive please visit the Ministry of Health website



In these times of having an amplified focus on health and wellbeing we encourage all members of the Laidlaw College Community to continue to take measures towards good health in all areas of life: mental & emotional, social, physical, and spiritual.

Here are some links below which focus on mental health and wellbeing:



Mental health hub on Moodle




If you are worried about your health or the implications of contracting Covid-19 please contact your GP in the first instance, or call Healthline 0800 358 5453

For up to date information on the government’s response to Covid-19 please visit the official website   

If you have any questions about how this affects your study please contact your course lecturer or school manager.

If you have concerns about privacy and what happens with your information please go here