Dr Stephen Garner Senior Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow, Australian College of Theology
- MSc (Hons), BD, PhD
- +64 9 836 7800 or 0800 999 777
- [email protected]
Stephen's research focuses on theology in dialogue with science, technology and new media, as well religion, media and popular culture. His current research projects include: theological ethics and social media; angels in popular culture; theological education and digital technology; and video games and spiritual formation. His most recent book (co-authored with Heidi Campbell) is Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture (2016). Stephen is married to Kim with four children and they worship at Massey Presbyterian Church.
Theology, Technology and Media Project
Theology, Media and Popular Culture Project
Dzugan, Melanie, Jacob Boss, Stephen Garner, and Seth Villegas. "Research, Resources, and Practices: An Open Forum on Human Enhancement and Transhumanism." Online June Sessions, American Academic of Religion Annual Meeting, Online, 25-27 June 2024.
"Addressing the Digital Elephant(S) in the Room: Just How Global Is the Global Digital Theological Community?" After Babel: Digital Theology and Contextualities - Global Network for Digital Theology Annual Meeting, Spurgeon’s College/Online, 13-15 June 2024.
"Artificial Intelligence: Education, Formation and Ministry." Christian Theological & Ministries Education Society Annual Meeting, Online/Laidlaw College, 10 May 2024.
Garner, Stephen. "Angels and Robots: The Religious Dimensions of Transhumanist Popular Culture." In A Curious Machine: Wesleyan Reflections on the Posthuman Future, edited by Glen O'Brien and Arseny Armakov, 137-50. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2023.
Garner, Stephen. "The Dark Knight of the Soul: Batman and Apophatic Spirituality." In Theology and Batman, edited by Matthew Brake and Charles Robertson, 237-50. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2022.
Garner, Stephen. "Digital Technologies and Theological Education." In Theology as Threshold: Invitations from Aotearoa New Zealand, edited by Jione Havea, Emily Colgan and Nāsili Vaka’uta, 119-33. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2022.
Stephen Garner. "Historical Background in the Development of Communication, Media, and Religion and the Area’s Key Theoretical Groundings." In Wiley-Blackwell Handbook on Religion and Communication, edited by Yoel Cohen and Paul A. Soukup, TBA. Hoboken, N.J.: The International Association of Media & Communication Research (IAMCR)/Wiley-Blackwell, 2022.
Garner, Stephen. "Digital Theology and Qualitative Research." In Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Qualitative Research and Theology, edited by Pete Ward and Knut Tveitereid, 231-42. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2022.
Campbell, Heidi, and Stephen Garner. "Vernetzte Religion – Glauben in Einer Vernetzten Gesellschaft." In Digitalisierung Aus Theologischer Und Ethischer Perspektive: Konzeptionen – Anfragen – Impulse, edited by Gotlind Ulshöfer, Peter G. Kirchschläger and Markus Huppenbauer, 63-89. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2021.
Garner, Stephen. "Theology and the New Media." In Digital Religion: Understanding Religious Practice in Digital Media, edited by Heidi Campbell and Ruth Tsuria, 266-81. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2021.
Garner, Stephen. "From Distanced Church to Returning Church to Hybrid Church." In Revisiting the Distanced Church, edited by Heidi Campbell, 97-104. College Station, TX.: Network for New Media, Religion & Digital Culture Studies/Texas A&M University, 2021.
Garner, Stephen. "Sacred Pilgrimage in Playful, Digital Spaces." In Sports and Play in Christian Theology, edited by John Tucker and Philip Halstead, 93-108. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020.
"Digital Theology: A Proposal and the Need for Diverse Voices." Cursor_: Zeitschrift für explorative Theologie (Journal for Explorative Theology) (2020). Published electronically 6 November. https://cursor.pubpub.org/pub/636acu0e/.
"Cultural Exegesis: Missiological Pragmatism or Theological Imperative?" In Beyond Four Walls: Explorations in Being the Church, edited by Michael O'Neil and Peter Elliott, 160-75. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020.
"Eschatological Companions: Christian Hope in Virtual Worlds." Theology & Sexuality 26, no. 1 (2020): 1-18.
"The Distanced Church: Pragmatism, Creativity and Rhythms of Life." In The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online, edited by Heidi Campbell, 55-57. College Station, TX.: Network for New Media, Religion & Digital Culture Studies/Texas A&M University, 2020.
"Duties, Consequences or Virtues? Theological Ethics for Social Media." In Theologische Medienethik Im Digitalen Zeitalter (Theological Media Ethics in the Digital Age), edited by Gotlind Ulshöfer and Monika Wilhelm, 187-203. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer-Verlag, 2020.
"Imaging Christ in Digital Worlds: Continuity and Discontinuity in Discipleship." Communication Research Trends 38, no. 4 (2019): 21-30.
"Co-Creating as Appropriate Technology." Thought Matters: The Journal of The Salvation Army Tri-Territorial Theological Forum 8 (2019): 85-94.
"Vision: Altered Carbon and Westworld." Stimulus: The New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought and Practice 25, no. 1 (2018). Published electronically 18 July. https://hail.to/laidlaw-college/publication/3onRxJl/article/f3tyekc.
"Are You My Neighbor? Theology, Networks, and Encounters with God and Others." In Authority and Leadership: Values, Religion, Media, edited by Míriam Díez Bosch, Paul Soukup, S. J., Josep Lluís Micó Sanz and Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, 111-122. Barcelona: Ramon Llull University, 2017.
Campbell, Heidi and Stephen Garner. Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2016.
"Vision: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice." Stimulus: The New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought & Practice 23, no. 2 (2016): 43-45.
"Contextual and Public Theology: Passing Fads or Theological Imperatives?" Stimulus 22, no. 1 (2015): 20-28.
"Jesus Heals? Faith Claims in the Public Square." In Spirituality and Cancer: Christian Encounters, edited by TIm Meadowcroft and Caroline Blyth, 97-114. Auckland: Accent Publications, 2015.
"Public Theology through Popular Culture." in The Bible, Justice and Public Theology, edited by David J. Neville, 174-189. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014.
"Christian Theology and Transhumanism: The “Created Co-Creator” and Bioethical Principles." In Religion and Transhumanism: The Unknown Future of Human Enhancement, edited by Calvin R. Mercer and Tracy J. Trothen, 229-244. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2014.
“Lament in an Age of New Media” in Spiritual Complaint, edited by Miriam J. Bier and Tim Bulkeley, 228-45. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
"Sacred Texts in a Secular World: Teaching Sacred Texts in a Pluralistic, Multi-Faith, Modern University Campus." The ANZTLA eJournal, no. 10 (2013): 33-46.
“Theology and the New Media.” In Digital Religion : Understanding Religious Practice in New Media Worlds, edited by Heidi Campbell, 251-65. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge.
“Morningside for Life!: Contextual Theology Meets Animated Television in Bro’town.” Studies in World Christianity 17, no. 2. 156-74.
“Image-Bearing Cyborgs?” Interface 15, no. 1. 31-50.
“The Hopeful Cyborg.” In Transhumanism and Transcendence, edited by Ronald Cole-Turner, 87-100. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2011.
Mitchell, C. Ben, and Stephen R. Garner. “Biotechnology.” In A Science and Religion Primer, edited by Heidi Campbell and Heather Looy, 53-55. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2009
“Hacking with the Divine: A Metaphor for Theology-Technology Engagement.” Colloquium 37, no. 2. 181-196.
“Transhumanism and Christian Social Concern.” Journal of Evolution and Technology 14, no.2. 29-43.
“Praying with Machines: Religious Dreaming in Cyberspace.” Stimulus 12, no. 3. 16-22
"Framing Faith: Exploring Religion through Comics and Graphic Novels." 13th International Society for Media, Religion and Culture Conference, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, 2-5 August 2023.
"Robot Discipling? Some Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Christian Education, Worship, and Spiritual Life." Digital Prophets and Prophets of the Digital - Global Network for Digital Theology Annual Meeting, Spurgeon’s College/Online, 1-3 June 2023.
"Artificial Intelligence and Human Flourishing in the Everyday World: Reflections from Christian Public Theology." Ethical and Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence: East Asia and Beyond, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, 30 March-1 April 2023.
"Faith and Frame Counts: Locating Religion in Digital Games." Media, Culture, and Society International Academic Conference, Yoobee College of Creative Innovation, Auckland, NZ, 14-16 December 2022.
"Nurturing the Ghost in the Shell: Human Flourishing in Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction." American Academic of Religion Annual Meeting, Denver, USA, 19-22 November 2022.
Stephen Garner. "Public Theology for the Digital Polis." Global Network for Public Theology Consultation, Curitiba, Brazil, 3-6 October 2022.
"In a Scanner Darkly: Engaging Technology Theologically through Science Fiction." In Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Studies Annual Meeting. Sydney, Australia, 2022.
"Is the Future of Theology Graphic? Comics and Graphic Novels in Theological Perspective." In Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Studies Annual Meeting. Sydney, Australia, 2022.
Pouono, Terry, and Stephen Garner, “The digital vā: Teu le vā in online spaces.” Gone Digital: How Digitality Disrupts Theology, Durham University, Online, 14-16 July, 2021.
"The Space between Us: Community and Formation in Isolated Times." Theology and Communications: THEOCOM20, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, USA/Online, 28 July, 2020.
"Digital Theology: A Modest, Inclusive Proposal." American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting. San Diego, USA, 2019.
“Imaging Christ in Digital Worlds: Continuity and Discontinuity in Discipleship.” In Theology and Communications: THEOCOM19. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, USA, 21-23 July 2019.
“Discipleship in Digital Spaces.” In ANZATS Annual Meeting. Carey Baptist College, Auckland, 1-3 July 2019
“Sacred Pilgrimage in Playful, Digital Spaces.” In Whakawhiti Korero Conference - Conversations Between Theology and Social Vocation. Laidlaw College, Auckland, NZ, 1-2 October 2018.
"Co-Creating as Technology." In Thought Matters Conference. Nambour, Aus., 24-26 August 2018.
"Sacred Pilgrimage in Playful, Digital Spaces." In International Society for Media, Religion and Culture Conference. Boulder, CO, 8-11 August 2018.
"13 Reasons Why: A Theologian Reflects." In The Sturt Lectures: A conference for dialogue between Counselling and Theology, Laidlaw College, Christchurch, NZ, 29 September 2017.
"Playstations & Peregrinations: Pilgrimage Experiences in Playful, Digital Spaces." In Home or Away? Locating Sport and Leisure in Christian Faith and Practice, Carey Baptist College, Auckland, NZ, 11-13 July 2017.
Garner, Stephen. "Athens or Jerusalem? Considering Christian Research in Secular and Sacred Institutions." Exploring Research Through Biblical Priorities: Implications for Christian Educators and Christian Higher Education, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, Tauranga, NZ, 3-4 September, 2015.
“Athens or Jerusalem? Considering Christian Research in Secular and Sacred Institutions.” In Exploring Research Through Biblical Priorities: Implications for Christian Educators and Christian Higher Education, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, Tauranga, NZ, 3-4 September, 2015.
"Are You My Neighbor? Theology, Networks, and Encounters with God and Others." In Theology and Communications: THEOCOM15. San Clara University, C.A., 2015.
"Upside-Down Angels: Inverting Supernatural Good and Evil in Popular Culture." In International Society for Media, Religion and Culture Conference. Canterbury, UK. 4-6 August, 2014.
Garner, Stephen. "Jesus Heals? Faith Claims in the Public Square." Theology, Spirituality and Cancer Symposium, University of Auckland, NZ, 20-21 February 2014.
“Divine Demons and Demonic Angels: Biblical Afterlives and the Inversion of Good and Evil in Contemporary Popular Culture”, Systematic Theology Association of Aotearoa New Zealand, Auckland. 10-11 December 2012
“Lament, imprecation and new media”. New Zealand Pastoral/Practical Theology Network Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand. 7-8 November 2011.
“Cultural Exegesis: Missiological Pragmatism or Theological Imperative?” Vose Conference, Perth, Australia. 15-16 August 2011.
“The cry against injustice in the online world”. Australian and New Zealand Communications Association (ANZCA) Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand. 6-8 July 2011.
“Lament and New Media”. Theology and Practice of Lament Colloquium, Auckland, New Zealand. 10-11 February 2011.
“Symbols, swords and spandex: Religious authority in comic books through the lens of the ‘warrior nun’”. 7th International Conference on Religion, Media and Culture, Toronto, Canada. 9-13 August 2010.
“Whale Rider or the Passion of the Christ? Lessons from Aotearoa-New Zealand in teaching religion and media with local and global voices”. 7th International Conference on Religion, Media and Culture, Toronto, Canada. 9-13 August 2010.
“Image-bearing cyborgs?”, American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 7-10 November 2009.
“Transhumanism and Theology”, Science and Religion in the 21st Century, Auckland, New Zealand, 14 March 2009.
“Constructing a Theology of Technology in response to Transhumanism”, American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A., 31 October-3 November 2008.
“Broadening the application of the ‘co-creator’ metaphor”, International Society of Biblical Literature Meeting, Auckland, N.Z., 6-11 July 2008.
‘God as Hacker’, Trans-Tasman Virtual Theology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 11-12 February 2005.
‘The Spiritual Life of Technology’, Systematic Theology Association of Aotearoa New Zealand,Christchurch, New Zealand, 4-5 December 2003.
"Wrestling with Artificial Intelligence." Independent Tertiary Education NZ (ITENZ) Webinar, Online, 30 August 2023. "The Global Network for Digital Theology: New Approaches to Theological Work and Research." Research Colloquium: Digital Theology and the Future of Intercultural Theological Research, University of Bonn, Germany/Online, 19 April 2023.
"Technology and Eschatology." Durham University/Spurgeon’s College, UK/Online, 26 October, 2021.
"Religion, Comics and the Bible." Biblical Literacy in a Media Age, Durham University/Spurgeon’s College, UK/Online, 10 February, 2021.
"Jesus, Film and Biblical Literacy." Biblical Literacy in a Media Age, St John’s College, Durham University, UK/Online, 22 April, 2020.
"Religion, Comics and the Bible." Biblical Literacy in a Media Age, St John’s College, Durham University, UK/Online, 20 April, 2020.
"Vision: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice." Popular Culture and Theology, https://popularcultureandtheology.com/2019/09/23/vision-batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice/.
"Religion, Spirituality, and Comics - a Sampler (Part 1 of 3)." Sacred and Sequential (2019). Published electronically 9 October. http://www.sacredandsequential.org/2019/10/09/religion-spirituality-and-comics-a-sampler-part-1-of-3/.
"Religion, Spirituality, and Comics - a Sampler (Part 2 of 3)." Sacred and Sequential (2019). Published electronically 8 November. http://www.sacredandsequential.org/2019/11/08/religion-spirituality-and-comics-a-sampler-part-2-of-3/.
"Religion, Spirituality, and Comics - a Sampler (Part 3 of 3)." Sacred and Sequential (2019). Published electronically 24 December. http://www.sacredandsequential.org/2019/12/24/religion-spirituality-and-comics-a-sampler-part-3-of-3/.
"Vision: Altered Carbon and Westworld." Popular Culture and Theology. Last modified 12 August, 2019. https://popularcultureandtheology.com/2019/08/12/vision-altered-carbon-and-westworld/.
“Athens or Jerusalem? Considering Christian Research in Secular and Sacred Institutions.” In Exploring Research Through Biblical Priorities: Implications for Christian Educators and Christian Higher Education, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, Tauranga, NZ, 3-4 September, 2015.
"Technology & Faith: Reflecting the Positives." TSCF Canvas, no. 74 (2015): 14-15.
Malpas, Phillipa, Warren Brookbanks and Stephen Garner. "Euthanasia: Should It Be Legalized in New Zealand?" Ingenio: The University of Auckland Alumni Magazine2013, 10-11.
“Technological narratives of salvation”, Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies: http://digitalreligion.tamu.edu/blog/sun-06172012-...n
“The posthuman in popular and academic cultures”, Theology and the Natural Sciences in Aotearoa (TANSA) symposium on Christian faith and Postmodernity in Auckland, New Zealand (2011).
“Sacred Texts in a Secular World: Teaching sacred texts in a pluralistic, multi-faith, modern university campus.” 2011 Annual Theology Lecture at Flinders University, Adelaide (25 August 2011).
“Who do you say I am? Digital authenticity, ethics and community”, 2009 Digital Faith Symposium at the University of Auckland. (5 September 2009)
“Finding God in Comic Books.” Candour, August 2009, 16-19.
“Thinking theologically about new technologies”, Theology and the Natural Sciences in Aotearoa Bioethics Symposium in Christchurch, New Zealand (20 September 2008).
“Should We Have a Theological Perspective on Technology?” sPanz: Spanning Presbyterians in Aotearoa New Zealand, September 2007, 2.
"Voices from the Technological Borderlands." In Voices of the Virtual World: Participative Technology & the Ecclesial Revolution, edited by Leonard Hjalmarson and John La Grou, 61-67: Wikiklesia Press, 2007.
“Technology with Heart.” Reality, December 2004, 44-45.
Garner, Stephen, Richard Goodwin, and Aaron Hodgson. More Than Theology. Podcast audio. Understanding AI (with Stephen Garner) 34 mins. 2023.
Garner, Stephen, Katherine Schmidt, and Jonas Kurlberg. Global Network for Digital Theology. Podcast video. Stephen Garner - Hope, Eschatology and Digital Culture 22 mins 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WwndEGqYMc
Garner, Stephen, and Christopher Deacy. 91. Stephen Garner. Podcast audio. Nostalgia Interviews with Chris Deacy 69 mins 2020. https://audioboom.com/posts/77... Please click here for the blurb.
Kilgallon, Steve. “Selling God: How religion became cool for a new generation of Kiwi converts.” Sunday Star Times (3 July 2011): http://www.stuff.co.nz/sunday-star-times/features/...d
Radio New Zealand National, Easter Monday programme, 13 April 2009: www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/eastermonday...3
“Spreading the Word in Cyberspace”, New Zealand Herald, 30 Mar 2009: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/religion-and-beliefs/new...3