In this paper I will argue that it is essential to take into account the individual translator’s translation technique when interpreting Septuagint texts. In the case of Old Greek Isaiah, this means being aware of the translator’s tendency to create new and amplify existing intratextual connections. I will discuss the unexpected translation of ḥesed “loyalty/faithfulness” by δόξα “glory” in Isaiah 40:6 and demonstrate that the translator was influenced by the immediate context as well as an earlier text in Isaiah. I will suggest therefore that in this instance the Greek translation should not be used to emend the Hebrew text. Instead, this particular translation offers a window into how an ancient interpreter read and understood his source text. This will lead to further reflection on the nature of OG Isaiah and its influence in NT passages.
The seminar will be held at the Henderson Campus in LR8, and via zoom here. Meeting ID: 813 8038 4263
Where | Henderson Campus |
When | 12:30pm - 1:20pm |
Cost | FREE & open to the public |
RSVP | N/A |