Laidlaw Research Seminar - Michael Corboy
A New Publication about the Church Missionary Society and Māori Evangelisation 1814-1840

Michael Corboy will be presenting on his recently published book Between God and a Hard Place. In this seminar he will share his findings on a number of issues investigated in his book, including how Samuel Marsden came to consider Māori as potential candidates for conversion to Christianity and how he persuaded the Church Missionary Society to send missionary settlers to Aotearoa. He’ll describe the forces that worked against conversion, how the gospel spread, and the issue of syncretism.

If you would like to attend, the seminar will be held in person on Henderson campus in Lecture Room 8 or you can join via zoom here. Meeting ID: 813 8038 4263

Where Henderson Campus, and via Zoom
When 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Cost FREE & open to the public

About the Presenter

Michael trained as a teacher, and graduated with a M.Ed (Hons) in 1973. He taught in schools in Britain, 1975-1997. Returning to Aotearoa, he taught for three years before retiring from teaching due to hearing loss. He took up landscaping and athletics coaching. An interest in pre-1840 history developed into earnest research of original missionary correspondence, diaries and journals. In 2021 Michael self-published his book, Between God and a Hard Place.

About Laidlaw Research Seminars

As a part of Laidlaw’s commitment to relevant, gospel-centred, innovative research, the School of Theology faculty gather each month for a research seminar. The seminars are built around a simple format – one academic presentation followed by critical interaction. Anyone is welcome to join us – this could include postgrad students, researchers from other institutions, or any others looking to hear and interact with cutting edge theological and biblical research.