​What Did Jesus Really Tell the Rich Ruler To Do?

The command by Jesus to the rich ruler to sell his possessions and give to the poor creates a dilemma for interpreters. Why is this individual told to divest himself of everything he has and give it all away when others are not told to do the same? How do we reconcile this command with Jesus’ other teaching concerning the poor and the existence of wealthy Christians in the early churches? In this paper, Dr Mark Keown will note existing solutions to this dilemma. He will then propose a solution that he has not come across in the literature considering this question. The solution will readjust what we think Jesus wanted from the rich ruler and bring his injunctions into line with Jesus’ other teaching on wealth.

About the Speaker

Mark Keown is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Theology, specialising in New Testament studies. He joined the Laidlaw staff in 2005 after completing his ThD, looking at a mandate for evangelism in the Pauline Epistles. He has recently published The New Testament: A Taster. (Auckland: Morphe Publishers, 2020) and Galatians: A Commentary for Students. (Auckland: Morphe Publishers, 2020).

Where Henderson Campus and via Zoom
When 12:40pm - 1:25pm
Cost FREE & open to the public
RSVP For Zoom link please email [email protected]

About Laidlaw’s Research Seminars

As a part of Laidlaw’s commitment to relevant, gospel-centred, innovative research, the School of Theology faculty gather each month for a research seminar. The seminars are built around a simple format – one academic presentation followed by critical interaction. The seminar is videoconferenced across Laidlaw’s three campuses. Anyone is welcome to join us – this could include postgrad students, researchers from other institutions, or any others looking to hear and interact with cutting edge theological and biblical research.  

If you are unable to come to a Laidlaw campus and would like to join in via Zoom from your device (anywhere, any place), please email Kerry Gordon, [email protected]