16 April 2020
Honouring Tim Meadowcroft

It was a privilege to honour Tim Meadowcroft with this collection of essays on his retirement. The title of the book, Holding Forth the Word of Life, is from Phil 2:16 and is the Laidlaw College motto (forming part of our logo), and was also how Tim understood his teaching ministry.
Contributors to the volume, leading biblical scholars from New Zealand and abroad, along with friends and family members, gathered together in a Zoom meeting to present the book to Tim.
Leading the meeting, John de Jong shared that “this is a sign not only of the high esteem, but also the warm affection in which you are held by your colleagues and students.”
Well done Tim! And as you said yourself, this is not the end! So, we look forward to the ongoing contributions you will undoubtedly continue to make.

One leading international Old Testament scholar had this to say about the book:
“Holding Forth the Word of Life beautifully celebrates the life and scholarly contribution of Tim Meadowcroft as he retires from full-time teaching. These thought-provoking and thoughtful essays are a testimony to Tim’s influence on his contemporaries and his students. But beyond honoring a scholar who deserves such praise, these essays are worthy in and of themselves for their own contribution to scholarship. Congratulations Tim, and we all get to benefit from the work of those you have so encouraged over the years.”
—Tremper Longman III, Distinguished Scholar and Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Westmont College