12 November 2022

Our 99th Auckland Graduation

Family and friends packed out Church Unlimited on Saturday 29 October to celebrate the achievements of Laidlaw College’s most recent graduates at our 99th Auckland Graduation Ceremony.

Graduates and family members travelled from around Aotearoa and across the Pacific to be together for this special occasion. Most of our students completed their programmes of study through multiple lockdowns and lectures and practicums on Zoom. What a joy to be able to gather in person to recognise their achievements!

We appreciated the words of encouragement from guest speaker Lisa Woolley (CEO of VisionWest) and testimonies and exhortations from our three student speakers: Shawnee Kara (BCouns), Mao Mauga (BEd), and Kristy Botha (BTh). And we loved catching up with graduates to hear what they have been up to in the months since finishing their study.

As always, recognition through waiata, haka, and shout outs by whānau and friends as graduates crossed the stage brought a special flare to our gathering – and decorated many with layers of leis and lolly necklaces. Another highlight this year was a special item from some of our Pasifika graduates - a vibrant and harmonic anthem inviting us to bring our whole selves to Jesus and lay down different parts of our identity at the foot of his cross.

The special time of ceremony, cheering, acknowledgment, hugs, worship, and prayer was concluded by sharing some kai and drinks and snapping final photos.

As a Laidlaw College community we are so proud of our graduates and their achievements, and the people in their lives who have supported and cheered them through to success. We praise the Lord God Almighty for his faithfulness to our community and to his people – in bringing us to and through our 99th Graduation ceremony.