Rev. Dr Mark J. Keown Director of Evangelistic Leadership School of Theology
- ThD, BTh (hons), DipTch
- +64 27 269 8357
- [email protected]
Mark began his working life as a school teacher. He became a Christian in 1985 and went into full-time service in 1987 doing community outreach work with St Columba's Presbyterian Church in Pakuranga. He came to Laidlaw College as a student in 1990, completing a BTh with first class honours. After a year in ministry at St John's Presbyterian Church, Mark completed ordination training at the Dunedin School of Ministry and served as a minister alongside his wife Emma at Greenlane Presbyterian Church from 1997-2003 and then at Mt Roskill Baptist. In 2005 he completed his ThD, looking at a mandate for evangelism in the Pauline Epistles, and joined the Laidlaw College staff. In 2023, Mark shifted to a new position, Director of Evangelistic Leadership. The focus of his role is the development of leaders for evangelism, apologetics, church planting, and evangelistic renewal. Mark is a singer-songwriter, guitarist, and lead-singer of the band “Already Not Yet.”
Speaking and Music
Mark is available to speak on anything New Testament, evangelism, apologetics, church planting, and evangelistic renewal. His band plays original Christian rock proclamation and worship music and can play services or special events and adapt to the requirements of the context.
Mark is available to supervise advanced research students in the areas of the Gospels, Acts, the Pauline letters, the General Letters, Revelation, Biblical and New Testament Theological themes, Evangelism, and biblical aspects of Mission.
Pneumaformity: Transformation by the Spirit in St Paul. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic (Release date, March 26, 2024).
Philippians: A Commentary. TGC Online. (2023). https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/commentary/philippians/.
Reading the New Testament. Auckland: Morphe, 2022.
Keown, Mark J. Discovering the New Testament: An Introduction to Its Background, Theology, and Themes: The Pauline Letters. Vol. II. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021.
Understanding Mark’s Gospel. Tyrannus Textbook Series. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021.
Romans and the Mission of God. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock., 2021.
The New Testament: A Taster. Auckland: Morphe Publishers, 2020.
Galatians: A Commentary for Students. Auckland: Morphe Publishers, 2020.
Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires: A Fresh Look at Mark’s Jesus from the Perspective of Military Power and Expectations. 2 Vols. Eugene, Oreg.: Wipf and Stock, 2018.
Keown, Mark J. Discovering the New Testament: An Introduction to Its Background, Theology, and Themes: The Gospels & Acts. Vol. I. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018.
Philippians. Evangelical Exegetical Commentary. 2 Volumes. Bellingham, WA: Hexham Press, 2017.
What’s God Up To On Planet Earth: A ‘No-Strings Attached’ Explanation of the Christian Message. Tauranga/Eugene: Affirm/Castle//Wipf and Stock, 2011 (also published as an E Book at Amazon)
Congregational Evangelism in Philippians: The Centrality of an Appeal for Gospel Proclamation to the Fabric of Philippians. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2008.
“Love and Grace as the Foundation of Obedience in Philippians.” Sacrum Testamentum 3 (2023). chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://8325c28f-bb46-49f6-b71...
‘An Imminent Parousia and Christian Mission: Did the New Testament Writers Expect Jesus’ Imminent Return?’ In Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement. Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts. TENTS; ECHC 4; Leiden: Brill, 2017 (accepted for volume, forthcoming).
‘Who Were the Evangelisers? Some Implications of Bauckham’s Eyewitness Theory for Early Evangelism,’ Stimulus (April, 2017): 25–31.
’Preaching Christ Crucified: Cruciformity in Content and Delivery.’ Pages 217–29 in Text Messages: Preaching God’s Word in a Smartphone World. Edited by John Tucker. Eugene, Oreg.: Wipf and Stock, 2017.
‘The Apostolic Green Imperative.’ In Living on the Planet Earth: Faith Communities and Ecology. Ed. Neil Darragh. Auckland: Accent Publications, 2016.
‘Paul’s Vision of a New Masculinity.’ Colloquium, 47.1 (2016): 47–60.
‘Paul’s Vision of Evangelization and the Church: Taking the Debate Forward.’ In Christian Origins and the Formation of the Early Church, Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts. TENTS. ECHC 5. Leiden: Brill, 2016 (at publisher, forthcoming).
Paul’s Use of εἴτε ... εἴτε Constructions and the Proclamation of the Gospel (Phil 1:18a),’ Colloquium, 2016 (in process forthcoming).
‘The Use of the OT in Philippians.’ In All the Prophets have Declared. Ed. Matthew R. Malcolm. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2015: 139–65.
‘Did Paul Plan to Escape from Prison? (Philippians 1:19-26).’ Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 5.1 (Summer, 2015): 89–108.
‘Do Not Go Beyond What is Written.’ Stimulus 22.2 (July 2015): 45–47.
‘Paul’s View of Fairness.’ In But is it Fair? Faith Communities and Social Justice . Ed. Neil Darragh. Auckland: Accent Publications, 2014.
‘Social Relations in Philippians and Beyond.’ In Paul and his Social Relations. Ed. Stanley E. Porter and Christopher D. Land. PAST 7. Leiden: Brill, 2013.
‘The Gethsemane Prayer: A Pattern for Believers.’ In Journeying into Prayer. Ed. N. Darragh. Auckland: Accent Publications, 2012, 235–42.
‘Praying the Paul Way.’ In Journeying into Prayer. Ed. N. Darragh. Auckland: Accent Publications, 2012.
‘Learning from Paul’s Vision for the Local Church.’ Stimulus 19.1 (2012) 26–33.
‘How Much Should We Sing?’ Stimulus 19.3 (2012) 4–13.
‘Paul’s Answer to the Threats of Jerusalem and Rome.’ In The Gospel in the Land of Promise: Christian Approaches to the Land of Promise. Ed. P. Church, P. Walker, T. Bulkeley and T. Meadowcroft. Eugene, Oreg.; Pickwick Publications, 2011.
‘The Image of the Invisible God: A Response to Tim Bulkeley.’ In Reconsidering Gender: Evangelical Perspectives. LCGS Studies in Theology Series, ed. Myk Habets and Beulah Wood. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2010.
Congregational Evangelism in Paul: The Paul of Acts.’ Colloquium 42.2 (2010) 231–251.
‘The Gospel of the Da Vinci Code,’ Stimulus 14.1, (Feb 2006).
‘Rock Music, Does It Belong in the Church?’ Reality (June-July), 1992.
'A “Biblical” View of Marriage,’ Candour, 2014 (http://presbyterian.org.nz/sites//default/files/publications/candour/F_6283_PRC_Candour_Nov_2013_COL.pdf)
‘A time to imagine what might be,’ New Zealand Herald (5:30 AM Thursday Apr 21, 2011) (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10720638)
‘Remembering the first NZ Christmas, The New Zealand Herald, Dec 25, 2011 (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10775108)
‘The New Testament and Preaching,’ Candour, 2009.
‘Amazing Grace and the Unborn Child,’ Daystar, 2008.
‘Sport, God and the Gospel, for NZ Christian Leaders Network. http://www.vision.org.nz/sport/532-sportandthegosp... (co-authored with Ken Youngson).
‘Let the Children Come to Me,’ Daystar, 2007.
‘The Positive Value of Sport,’ Daystar, 2006.
‘The Gospel of the Da Vinci Code,’ Stimulus 14.1, (Feb 2006).
‘Rock Music, Does It Belong in the Church?’ Reality (June-July), 1992.
‘Matthew 23–25,’ in Encounter with God OD 17, ed. Sally Nelson (October–November, 2017, forthcoming)
‘1 and 2 Thessalonians,’ in Encounter with God OD 16, ed. Sally Nelson (October–November, 2016) (London: Scripture Union, 2016, accepted and forthcoming).
‘Luke 1–4,’ in Encounter with God OD 14, ed. Andrew Clark (October–December, 2014) (London: Scripture Union, 2014).
‘Matthew 1–4,’ in Encounter with God OD 13, ed. Andrew Clark (October–December, 2013) (London: Scripture Union, 2013).
‘Objections to Preaching’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2017 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2017/07/objections-to-preaching-mark-keown)
‘Confronting Difficult Texts and Issues,’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2017 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2017/11/confronting-difficult-texts-and-issues-mark-keown
'Preaching Christ and Christ Crucified', Kiwi-made Preaching, 2017 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2017/02/preaching-christ-and-christ-crucified-mark-keown)
‘Multiple Voices. Kiwi-made Preaching, 2016 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2016/07/multiple-voices-mark-keown/).
‘Engaging the Text in Preaching, Kiwi-made Preaching, 2016 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2016/01/engaging-the-text-in-preaching-mark-keown/)
‘The Wonderful World of Logos,’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2015 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2015/07/the-wonderful-world-of-logos-mark-keown/)
‘Fast Preaching.’ Kiwi-made Preaching, Kiwi-made Preaching, 2015 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2015/10/fast-preaching-mark-keown/).
‘Preaching the Cosmic Scope of What God is Up To,’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2014 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2014/07/preaching-the-cosmic-scope-of-what-god-is-up-to-mark-keown/)
‘Smartening Up the Gospel,’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2014 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2014/12/smartening-up-the-gospel-mark-keown/)
‘Expositional, Thematic, or Narrative Preaching? Kiwi-made Preaching, 2013 http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2013/08/expositional-thematic-or-narrative-preaching-mark-keown/)
‘Preaching Theologically,’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2013 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2014/01/preaching-theologically-mark-keown/).
‘Letters as Sermons,’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2011 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2011/04/mark-keown-%e2%80%93-letters-as-sermons/).
‘Making Space for Evangelism.’ Kiwi-made Preaching, 2011 (http://kiwimadepreaching.com/2011/09/mark-keown-%e2%80%93-making-space-for-evangelism/).
“What’s God Up to On Planet Earth: Condensed Edition” (2012).
“The Real Goal” (2011) — a tract used for the 2011 World Cup.
Harris, M. J. John: Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament. Nashville, Tennesee: B&H Academic, 2015. In Stimulus, forthcoming.
Christianity Explored Ministries, Christianity Explored (DVD). Presented by Rico Tice; Written by Barry Cooper; Director: Stephen Hughes; Producers: Jane Hughes and Barry Cooper. The Good Book Company, 2011, in Stimulus (April 2014).
Tovey, D. Read Mark and Learn. Eugene, Origen: Wipf and Stock, 2014 in Stimulus (April 2014).
Robertson, P. The Tribulation Church. Auckland: Revival Streams, 2013 in Stimulus, 2013.
Rule, P. (ed). The Church in China. Interface 11.2. Adelaide: Australasian Theological Forum, 2008 in Stimulus, 2013.
Donaldson, A. W. The Last Days of Dispensationalism: A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions. Eugene, Oreg.: Wipf & Stock, 2011 in Colloquium, 44.1 (May 2012), 134-36.
Meadowcroft, T. The Message of the Word of God: the Glory of God. The Bible Speaks Today (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011) in Colloquium, 44.1 (May 2012), 111-13.
Reumann, J. P. Philippians: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary” in Colloquium 42.2 (Nov, 2010): 262-263.
Childs, B. S. The Church’s Guide for Reading Paul: The Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus in Colloquium (May 2010): 111-13.
‘Jesus in Philippians.’ Tyndale New Testament Study Group. Tyndale House, July, 2017.
‘Philemon and Restorative Justice.’ SBL International. Berlin, Humboldt University, August, 2017.
‘Euangel - Language and Evangelism Reconsidered.’ NZATS, June 2016.
‘“Let Us Make Three Tents,’ Understood Against Peter’s Messianic Military Expectation (Mark 9:5).’ SBL International, July 2016.
‘Preaching Christ Crucified: Cruciformity in Content and Delivery.’ Preaching God’s Word Conference. Carey, July 2016.
‘Implications of Bauckham’s Eyewitness Theory for Early Evangelism.’ ANZABS, Dec, 2014.
“Did Paul Plan to Escape from Prison?” (Phil 1:19–26),” Paper to be presented at SBL International, Vienna, 2014.
“The Use of the Old Testament in Philippians.” Paper presented at Trinity Colloquium, Perth, 2013.
“Paul’s Vision of Evangelization and the Church: Taking the Debate Forward,” Paper presented at SNTS, Perth, 2013.
“Did Paul Escape From Rome?” Paper Presented at Laidlaw College Thesis Writers Conference, 2011 and at ANZABS, Christchurch, 2011.
“Paul’s Radical Use of Christos in Philippians and Beyond.” Paper presented at Tyndale Biblical Studies Study Group, Cambridge, 2010.
“Paul and the Roman Church.” Paper presented at ANZABS, Auckland, 2010.
“Citizens of Heaven, Bodily Transformation and Eternal Existence (Phil 3:17-21).” Paper presented at Colloquium on the Land, 2009.
“The Proclamation of the Gospel in 1 Peter.” Paper presented at Tyndale New Testament Study Group, Cambridge, 2008.
“Reflections on Worship in the NT.” New Soundings Conference 2007.
“Evangelism in the Christ-Hymn,” Paper presented at ANZABs 2006.
“Worship in the NT,” Paper presented at ’ Music Symposium, Wellington, 2006.
“The Da Vinci Code and the NT.” Paper presented at Anglican Symposium 2006.
Sarah Harris, The Davidic Shepherd King in the Lukan Narrative, 2011.
Julia van Den Brink, Antithetical Covenant Blessing and Curse in Luke 6:20b-26, in progress.
Glen P. Melville, The Collection: A Theological Appeal for Global Christian Economic Solidarity, 2007.
Corey Scott, A Study of Selected Texts from Luke’s Gospel in Relation to Jesus’ Interaction with Persons of Disability, 2009.
Andrew Gardener, Paul at Prayer For the Church: An Investigation into the Extent of Jewish and Greco-Roman Influence on the Form, Structure, and Content of Paul’s Intercessory Prayers, 2009.
Andy Dickson, What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?: A Study of Luke 10:25–37 & 18:18–30, 2011.
Annette Osborne, Paul’s Use of Parent-Child Language in 1 Corinthians 4:14–21, 2012.
Ian Waddington, Servanthood, Slavery and the Service as a Narrative Theme in the Gospel of Mark, 2014.
Bruce Richardson, An Evaluation and Critical Engagement of N. T. Wright’s Understanding of Paul’s View of the Law. 2016.
Paul Cheng, Paul’s Perspective on Unity in 1 Corinthians 1:10–4:21, 2016.
Pamela Griffiths, The Portrayal of the Loved Disciple: An Exploration of the Gospel of John in Response to Richard Bauckham, 2016.
Naylor Owen, Faith in Christ’ or ‘the Faithfulness of Christ’? Romans 3:21-26 and the Πίστις Χριστοῦ Debate, 2016.
Benjamin Ong, What is the social significance of Paul’s imperative, “do not even eat with such people,” in 1 Corinthians 5:11?, 2017.
Paul Mosley, Paul and Adversity, 2018.
Ross Millar, Signs in Wonder: An Investigation into Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer in NZ Sign Language, 2019.
Dixon Goh, An exegetical and theological analysis of Romans 8:18-25 with specific reference to Paul’s view of creation, in progress.
Jim Kerr, Identifying the Grateful Victim, An Exegetical Study (Luke 10:25–37), 2019.
Joonho Lee, The Abrahamic Promise in Galatians and Romans, 2020.
Kezia Kafar, The Prophet as an Eschatological Figure, 2020
Andrew Fistonich, Covenant Complexity: Paul’s Understanding of the New Covenant in Relation to the Divine Covenant of the OT, 2021.
Tagat Uli, An Evaluation of N. T. Wright’s Understanding of Paul’s doctrine of Justification, 2021.
Philip Sampson, Christ in Our Place; The Breadth of Paul’s Place-taking Theme, 2021
Joey Millington, Romans 5:12–21: An Investigation Into Paul’s Adam-Christ Typology, 2022.
John Gill, The Nature of Tongues in 1 Corinthians 14: Foreign Languages or Unintelligible Speech?, 2022.
Jeremy Tattersall, Temple as Church: The People of God as Participants in the New Creation Temple in the Book of Revelation. 2023.
Tim Collins, Living as a Citizen of Heaven: A Study of Philippians 3:20a, 2013.
Andrew McCulloch: Wright or Pitre? First Century Jews and the Continuing Exile? 2016.
Kerry Gordon, The Theological Significance of Women’s Roles in Romans 16 with Reference to Contemporary Ministry, 2017.
Justin O’Malley, Motivations for Evangelism on the North Shore,’ 2018.
Rose Robinson, A Study of Romans 9-11 that Seeks to Answer the Following Question: What is Paul’s Understanding of Ethnic Israel in God’s Plan for Salvation in Light of the Coming of Christ?, 2018.
Mark Forman, The Politics of Inheritance? The Language of Inheritance in Romans Within its First-Century Greco-Roman Imperial Context, 2006.
Martin Williams, The Doctrine of Salvation in the First Letter of Peter. A Theological-Critical Study, 2007.
Grant David Buchanan, The Spirit, New Creation and Christian Identity in Galatians: Towards a Pneumatological Reading of Galatians, 2021.
Jaegoo Heo, The Requirements of Discipleship in Luke 5:1-11, 2009.
Danny Park, Scripture as the Word of God, 2010.
Jonathan Robinson, Sex, Slogans and Somata: Discovering Paul’s Theological Ethic in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, 2010
Chris Northcott, Christus Imperatur: The Colossian Hymn as Contextualised Christology, 2012.
Joohong Kim, Living Out Unity in Christ: Search for an Alternative Way to Reveal Unity in Christ, 2014.
Joohong Kim, Living Out of Unity in Christ: Searching for an Alternative Way to Reval Unity in Christ, 2014.
Kwasi Boateng, The Resurrection of Jesus and the Believer in 1 Corinthians 15:1-58, 2006.
Miriam Bier, “There Will Be Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth.” A Study of Judgement Parables in Matthew, 2008.
Daniel Jae Kyue Jung, A Study of the Millennium in the Book of Revelation, 2015.
Solomon Rajan, The Dalits and Galatians: Missed Opportunities, 2016.
‘Jesus Christ Lord Number 1,” Challenge Weekly 71.2 (Feb 4, 2013), 7.
‘Living Out the Values of the Kingdom,’ Challenge Weekly 71.3 (Feb 18, 2013), 7.
‘Give Mojo Mathers a Break,’ Challenge Weekly 70.5 (Feb 20, 2013), 7.
‘Live as a Citizen Worthy of the Gospel,’ Challenge Weekly 71.4 (March 4, 2013), 7.
‘What if they Burnt Our Bibles? Challenge Weekly 70.7 (March 5, 2013), 7.
‘Take Heart,’ Challenge Weekly 70.1 (Jan 23, 2012), 7.
‘Get God Back into Mt Eden Prison,’ Challenge Weekly 70.3 (Feb 6, 2012), 5.
‘After-birth Abortion – What?’ Challenge Weekly 70.9 (Match 19, 2012), 7.
‘I Believe in the Resurrection,’ Challenge Weekly 70.11 (April 2, 2012), 7.
‘A Real Conundrum,’ Challenge Weekly 70.14 (April 23, 2012), 7.
‘Are We Motivated by Compassion,’ Challenge Weekly 70.16 (May 7, 2012), 7.
‘Love, Truth, and Heresy,’ Challenge Weekly 70.18 (May 21, 2012), 7.
‘God Calls the “Unlikely,”’ Challenge Weekly 70.20 (June 4, 2012), 7.
‘Gay Marriage,’ Challenge Weekly 70.22 (June 18, 2012), 7.
‘NZs Most Trusted: Does it Matter?’ Challenge Weekly 70.24 (July 2, 2012), 7.
‘Is it Time for Church Sponsorship?’ Challenge Weekly 70.26 (July 16, 2012), 7.
‘Dark Forces in Denver Makes You Think,’ Challenge Weekly 70.28(July 30, 2012), 7.
‘Mass Adventure a Waste of Money?’ Challenge Weekly 70.30 (Aug 13, 2012), 7.
‘Another Political Party?’ Challenge Weekly 70.32 (Aug 27, 2012), 7.
‘The Inspiration that is the Paralympics,’ Challenge Weekly 70.34 (Sept 10, 2012), 7.
‘How to Read the Bible: 1. What is it?’ Challenge Weekly 70.36 (Sept 24, 2012), 7.
‘How to Read the Bible: 2. The Place of the Bible in Christian Life,’ Challenge Weekly 70.38 (Oct 8, 2012), 7.
‘How to Read the Bible: 3. How to Read the Bible 1,’ Challenge Weekly 70.39 (Oct 15, 2012), 7.
‘How to Read the Bible: 4. How to Read the Bible 2,’ Challenge Weekly 70.40 (Oct 22, 2012), 7.
‘How to Read the Bible: 5. How to Read the Bible 3,’ Challenge Weekly 70.41 (Oct 29, 2012), 7.
‘How to Read the Bible: Being a Biblical Christian,’ Challenge Weekly 70.42 (Nov 5, 2012), 7.
‘Your Sins Will Find You Out,’ Challenge Weekly 70.44 (Nov 19, 2012), 7.
‘Digging Deeper into Matthew’ Christmas Story,’ Challenge Weekly 70.46 (Dec 3, 2012), 7.
‘Why Not Pause and Say “Thanks”,’ Challenge Weekly 70.48 (Dec 17, 2012), 7.
‘A New Year: A Fresh Start,’ Challenge Weekly 69.1 (Jan 17, 2011), 7.
‘Live as One,’ Challenge Weekly 69.3 (Jan 31, 2011), 7.
‘Tamaki Controversy Raises Questions,’ Challenge Weekly 69.3 (Jan 31, 2011).
‘Time for a Revolution,’ Challenge Weekly 69.5 (Feb 14, 2011), 7
‘When Truth and Unity Collide,’ Challenge Weekly 69.7 (Feb 28, 2011), 7.
‘Evangelism on the Agenda,’ Challenge Weekly 69.9 (March 14, 2011), 7.
‘Is it the End of the World?’ Challenge Weekly 69.11 (March 28, 2011), 7.
‘Should Christians Burn the Qur’an?’ Challenge Weekly 69.13 (April 11, 2011), 7.
‘Just an Idea,’ Challenge Weekly 69.16 (May 2, 2011), 7.
‘The Death of Osama,’ Challenge Weekly 69.17 (May 16, 2011), 7.
‘Getting Real about Christ’s Return,’ Challenge Weekly 69.20 (May 30, 2011), 7.
‘Dare to Share,’ Challenge Weekly 69.22 (June 13, 2010), 7.
‘Commitment to Gospel Reaffirmed,’ Challenge Weekly 69.23 (June 20, 2011).
‘Rise of “Evangelical Universalism,”’ Challenge Weekly 69.24 (June 27, 2011), 7.
‘The Burqa: Should NZ Ban It? Challenge Weekly 69.26 (July 11, 2011), 7.
‘The Real News,’ Challenge Weekly 69.28 (July 25, 2011), 7.
‘Is the Western Bubble Bursting,’ Challenge Weekly 69.30 (Aug 8, 2011), 7.
‘Does God Love Sport,’ Challenge Weekly 69.32 (Aug 22, 2011), 7.
‘Coping with Suffering,’ Challenge Weekly 69.34 (Sept 5, 2011), 7.
‘A Slice of Heaven – Well Sort of,’ Challenge Weekly 69.36 (Sept 19, 2011), 5.
‘Paul’s Vision for Real Men,’ Challenge Weekly 69.38 (Oct 3, 2011), 7.
‘Seven Reasons A.J. Miller is not Messiah,’ Challenge Weekly 69.40 (Oct 7, 2011), 7.
‘The Glory of Victory,’ Challenge Weekly 69.42 (Oct 31, 2011), 7.
‘Living out of the Kingdom: Election 2011,’ Challenge Weekly 69.44 (Nov 14, 2011), 7.
‘The Crazy Christmas Story,’ Challenge Weekly 69.46 (Nov 28, 2011), 7.
‘The Tragedy of One Million Non-Voters,’ Challenge Weekly 69.48 (Dec 5, 2011), 7.
‘Going Deeper,’ Challenge Weekly 68.29 (Aug 2, 2010), 7.
‘Precariously Poised,’ Challenge Weekly 68.31 (Aug 16, 2010), 7.
‘Being A Dad,’ Challenge Weekly 68.33 (Aug 30, 2010), 7.
‘Pondering the Big One,’ Challenge Weekly 68.35 (Sept 13, 2010), 7.
‘Islam and the West,’ Challenge Weekly 68.37 (Sept 27, 2010), 7.
‘What To Do About Paul Henry’, Challenge Weekly 68.39 (Oct 11, 2010), 7.
‘Drinking in Moderation,’ Challenge Weekly 68.41 (Oct 11, 2010), 7.
‘Fight For Life,’ Challenge Weekly 68.43 (Nov 8, 2010), 7.
‘Time to Split?’ Challenge Weekly 68.45 (Nov 22, 2010), 7.
‘There is Hope,’ Challenge Weekly 68.47 (Dec 6, 2010), 7.
The Gospel and Its Proclamation
Courage in Paul. Lexington Press.
Jesus as the New Joshua. Lexham Press.
View the complete list of Mark Keown's blogs
Blogs Include:
Living as a “Proactionary” Rather than a “Reactionary”
Women Disciples of Jesus, Another Thought (Matt 12:46–50)
Should We Really Increase Primary School Class Sizes?
Local Councils and their Pay Rates – What Might Jesus Say?
The Christchurch Cathedral Quandary
“Jesus Heals Every Disease and Every Sickness” – Does He?
The UK Government and Crosses – Have They Got This Right?
From Flower Grower to Specialist in Ancient Texts’ (Dirk Jongkind)
Diary of a Disciple: Day 1003 (Morning)
Diary of a Disciple: Day 1003 (Afternoon)
Diary of a Disciple: Day 1003 (Evening)
NZ Racism and Sexism: The Sad Truth
Money, Politics and the Kingdom
Door Knocking – Is It Still Worth It?
The Queen’s Birthday Awards – A Query
NZs Most Trusted 2012: Christian Marketing Campaign Needed
Is It Time for Church Sponsorship?
The Radical Call of Tatenda Taibu
My Favourite Moment of the Games
Afghanistan – Should We Have Ever Been There?
The Sad Story of Rimsha Masih – What Can We Do?
Evangelical Presbyterians’ Statement on Same Sex Marriage
Should we be so Negative About Christianity’s Supposed Decline? Recent Research into World Figures
Reflections on Another Hong Kong Adventure
Christmas Insights from Matthew
The Only Thing that Stops a Bad Guy
Worldwide Religious Rejection – Sorry Bob Jones, You are Wrong
The Bangladesh Building Collapse
Is Love the Defining Attribute of God?
Glimpses of the Religious Perspective of Sir Graham Henry
Eight Reasons Why Alan John Miller is Not Messiah!
Toward Resolving the Problem of Family Failure
Reflections on the Arrest of an Evangelist
The Syrian Crisis – Is it Just Me
Like Mother, Like Son (Mary and Jesus)
'Walk Like a Samaritan’ – Living Well in 2014
Some Great Kiwi Theological Reads
Another Great Kiwi Read: Read Mark and Learn by Derek Tovey
The Desperate Need for Theological Study